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Guest Post! Why You Should Join a CSA

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Today we have a guest post from Melina Caron of Local Harvest! Melina is the public face of Local Harvest and coordinates everything between the farmers and members, while ensuring smooth operations throughout the seasons. We were connected by my friend Barbara, who also helps the collective by teaching some cooking classes. Learn more about CSAs and how you can help your local farmer while also receiving the benefits of fresh produce. Please reach out with any questions. Enjoy! – Rachel

We all know that eating fresh vegetables and fruits is a healthy choice that we can make for our families. By purchasing these crops directly from local farmers, we can help nourish not just our bodies, but our communities too.  Local, family-owned farms play an integral role in NH community health and well-being. Our farmers grow the food we eat, steward the land we inhabit and contribute to our local economy. We can support our local farmers by becoming CSA members, shopping at farmer’s markets and choosing local when possible. 

We are fortunate to have lots of local food grown in NH. Local Harvest CSA is a cooperative of five, certified organic, NH family farms in the greater Concord area. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and is a partnership between farmers and members rooted in reciprocity. Essentially, by purchasing CSA shares (also called farm shares) in the early season, members are providing farms with a loan that is paid back in affordable, fresh, organic vegetables and fruits over the course of the growing season.

As a community we share recipes, prep & storage tips, and offer workshops to help each other make the most of the harvest. Everyone shares in the bounty and eats along with the season. Most importantly, organic, locally grown food is absolutely delicious. Because it’s harvested at peak-ripeness, the produce retains all the flavors and nutrients that too-often are missing in commercial agriculture. CSA is a great option for those that enjoy eating and being creative in the kitchen. Throughout the season members can expect to receive fresh leafy greens, herbs, juicy tomatoes, fruits, sweet corn, crunchy roots, winter squash and much more. 

We hope you’ll consider joining us for the upcoming season and support your local farmers! For more information on share sizes, pickup locations, and other offerings please visit Together we’re growing a strong, resilient food system for our community.


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