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Out and About: The Butterfly Place

Yes, like when I shared about VINS, this destination is also not technically in New Hampshire, but it's right over the border and quick 45 minute ride from Concord. I also discovered this place during another school trip, but this time as a parent rather than educator. These teachers really know all of the cool places! The Butterfly Place isn't an all-day affair but pretty good for a rainy day when you're looking to keep busy. Likely best for kids who are 8ish or younger, though older kids might get more out of the display area. The museum also has some old-fashioned charm.

When you arrive, there is a grassy area if the kids need to run around and shake some energy out. Then you enter into the small museum where there's a short educational video and some wandering around the displays. It's pretty small and you can see everything in around 30-45 minutes. Truthfully, the kids will likely be itching to get to the main attraction- the butterflies!

Like when visiting the Audubon or certain zoos, these types of places teach children to be mindful of the animals. No touching, yelling, running etc. I like those opportunities, because they teach consideration of other living beings, while offering a chance to talk about eco-systems, nature etc. There's also an "activity table" in the butterfly room that seemed fun (we didn't get a chance to explore it). I do wonder how "eco-friendly" it is to the keep the room warm enough to house the butterflies (80-85 degrees), but the place is closed during the depths of winter. Are the native New England butterflies let free into the wild once others hatch? It's a good question to ask if you go. Please report back! Once done, there's lovely tented picnic area for a bagged lunch.

If you're into gift shops, I was pleasantly surprised by how reasonably priced it was. I treated my daughter to a small memento that didn't break the bank. Plus it supports the organization! Like mentioned above, this is a half-day trip for when you're itching to get out of the house. If you need to stretch out the day, you can always stop for some icecream or a playground on the way home. Happy exploring!

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