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This and That

Fall is in swing and the air is changing. As for me, I've gotten back into my routines and life has gotten pretty hectic. Do I rely on convenience items from time to time? Sure, I do. But it doesn't mean that I've forgotten my eco-friendly ways. Remember - you don't have to be all or nothing to make a difference. Here are some updates from my corner of the world.

My family is pretty new to the sports-world. Neither my husband nor I really grew-up playing sports and my kids had been more into solo activities like dance, gymnastics and dance. But my younger daughter recently started playing soccer and it's been lots of fun. I am learning about things like cleats and shin guards and was about to buy some new ones at Target. Luckily for me, after asking a friend for purchasing advice, she lent us some of her family gear and saved us from spending lots of money at the sports store. Moral of the story? Ask your community first. Good for both the Earth and your wallet. You can also try this used sporting goods store in Concord.

Our family recently went apple picking. For me, I actually think I like the idea of it more than the actual activity. I want it to be cool and crisp, but I feel like the sun is always beating down to the point of discomfort. That said, I have tons of apples in my fridge now. Want a tip? They will last for months in there. Ever feel like you get all of these apples and that you need to "do something" with them? Nope. Just leave them in the fridge and eat as needed. Produce stocked for months. However, should you want to make something simple and satisfying, here's my favorite apple crumb pie recipe.

"Seconds" at the Farmers Market are my new favorite purchase. Support local farmers, and get great produce, at a fraction of the price.

The New Hampshire Bulletin has been exploring purposeful fires and how they help the forest. There are a few reasons behind this system. Holman believes fire is important to the ecosystem for reasons that science has yet to fully understand, including its role in nutrient cycling or its impact on a kind of bacteria that grows on lupine that may be critical in how it competes with other plants. Planned fires can also prevent larger, out of control wildfires. Once that fuel’s done (been burned away), that catastrophic, big fire is less likely to occur. This prevention method reminded me about a recent interview on our site from a climate migrant who moved from California to New Hampshire due to frustration with wildfires. She chose New Hampshire for a few reasons, including the fact that we tend to have lower climate disaster than other states. It seems that a lot of it has to do with our geographic location and naturally cooler climate.

One perk of at home composting? Free and avaialble plant soil for whenever you need it!

And, lastly, I used to "close down" my composting tumbler come mid-November when it would get full and frozen shut. But Hannah recently gave me a helpful tip - empty as much as possible before winter starts. That way you have space for items to sit during the colder months. Does the lid freeze closed? Take some hot water and pour it over the lid; that should do it. So simple and yet genius at the same time. Don't know how to compost? Beginner's tutorial here. Want to compost but don't want to do the work? Look for a pick-up company in your area.


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